Aspire Care Clinic

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Body Treatments

Are you prepared to embrace the body you have?

Prioritizing self-care and your body can be transformative. When you invest in yourself, it has a ripple effect on everything else. Believe us: when you feel confident in your appearance, that positivity radiates throughout your life.

While your body is already beautiful, self-care can enhance your comfort in your own skin. Our non-invasive treatments can sculpt your body, rejuvenate your skin, eliminate unwanted hair, and even curb excessive sweating.

M8 Body

Morpheus8 Body Benefit is a cutting-edge cosmetic treatment that targets multiple layers of the skin and underlying tissue. By combining microneedling with radiofrequency energy, Morpheus8 stimulates collagen production, tightens skin, and contours the body, resulting in a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance.


BodyFX is a non-invasive treatment for body contouring and cellulite reduction. It uses radiofrequency energy and vacuum massage to tighten the skin, reduce cellulite, and enhance body tone with minimal downtime.


Forma Plus is a non-invasive body treatment using radiofrequency to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It stimulates collagen production for a more toned appearance with minimal downtime.


MiniFX is a non-invasive treatment using radiofrequency to reduce fat and tighten skin in smaller body areas. It sculpts and rejuvenates with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Plus 90

Plus 90 is a non-invasive treatment for intimate wellness, improving issues like vaginal laxity, sexual satisfaction, and urinary incontinence with minimal downtime.

Our Most Popular Treatments

Take a look at our most popular treatments