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Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the central face. It most often begins between the ages of 30 to 60 years. This condition is common and presents with facial redness, flushing and small bumps on the skin. Typically, rosacea will come and go intermittently. Rosacea can be caused by altered bacteria in the skin and gut, genetics, skin triggers such as UV light, air pollution and psychological stress as well as an impaired skin barrier. Sometimes a mite called demodex has been implicated.
More definitive features of rosacea include flushing of the face, persistent redness and thickening of the skin. Tenderness and burning pain may accompany rosacea too. This condition is mostly diagnosed by general observation of the skin by a physician. If there is uncertainty, a skin biopsy can be done and sent for analysis.
Treatments for rosacea can include a specific skin care routine, the use of topical agents, oral
medications and laser therapy.
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At Aspire Care Cosmetic Clinic, scheduling a cosmetic consultation is hassle-free, and no referral is needed. However, if your concern leans towards a medical issue, we may guide you to our Skin Clinic. It’s important to note that for consultations with Dr. Wang in our Skin Clinic, an Alberta Health Services (AHS) requirement may necessitate a referral from a licensed medical professional. Examples of such professionals include medical doctors, audiologists, registered midwives, chiropractors, podiatrists, dentists, optometrists, physical therapists, and nurse practitioners. Additionally, please be aware that AHS may require a referral, and it may expire if you haven’t seen Dr. Wang within a year.